What Type of Team-Player Are You?

Research suggests that there is an ideal combination of 4 personality types to every team – too many of one or another and you’ll tip the boat.

Keep Calm and Carry On

You can never guarantee that things are going to run 100 % smoothly but here at My Chocolate we are sticklers for organising ahead.

Corporate Events: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

We at My Chocolate feel we have it pretty good. We get to spend our days planning and hosting delicious chocolate events and team building exercises. It’s not a bad existence! However, lately we’ve been having fun checking out how the ‘other half’ live – you know, the half who have their own helipads, a […]

Fun Teambuilding Activities: Our Top Tips

Fun. It’s a curious word, isn’t it? And one that means very different things to different people. Let’s take bungee jumping. Scores of people around the world find leaping off an extremely high ridge, with only a thin rubber ankle tie for support, a fun activity. And others will quiver at the thought! Now, we […]