There’s always one who takes the idea of a team activity one step further. I’ve compiled a list of the crème de la crème of team building constructions!
A team from Surrey aimed a little higher than the traditional raft making.
I didn’t want to ask how this ice sculpture was brought back to the office!
3rd Best Team Build Example
This chocolate race track was the final product in a MyChocolate Apprentice Challenge. As the event was for Apple we expected nothing short of creative genius.
A beverage company took the business promo video to the next level; their team building movie was screened at BFI IMAX, the largest cinema screen in the UK!
Look closely and you’ll see that this AirArt piece is made entirely from people!
While these examples may be a little extreme of what you can achieve in a team building activity, I would always try to make sure that your event includes the 4 C’s:
Creativity: See above!
Coordination: Are teams coordinated by a central leadership team that will help the groups succeed? Does everyone have a chance to demonstrate their leadership skills? Team building triumphs when staff step out of their usual role. Have the office juniors leading a team of CEO’S!
Communication: Does the exercise involve every member of each team? Everyone in the group needs to be actively working together if communication channels are going to be improved.
Competition: There isn’t a better way too get people working together than giving them a common goal. Well that and the chance to win a few shiny prizes!
For more inspiration, check out MyChocolate’s Away Days and Corporate Events!