Corporate Events: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

We at MyChocolate feel we have it pretty good.  As our aim is to continually devise new and delicious recipes for your delectation, we get to flavour the ganache, pour the cream and lick the spoon at the end. It’s no bad existence. However, of late we’ve been having fun checking out how the other […]

What Can Wreck A Team…And How To Solve It

We at MyChocolate are more likely to be polishing off a chocolate box than ticking boxes.   However, when a nice lady kindly offered to give us free psychometric testing, we thought that sounded rather intriguing, so we sharpened our pencils and got to work. The results were genuinely interesting and revealing, and taught us […]

Party Pitfalls and How to Prevent Them!

If done properly, events leave clients feeling mighty appreciated and offer invaluable opportunities for networking. However, the key is in the words ‘done properly’.

Event Planning: Top Tips

While you can never guarantee that things are going to run smoothly 100 % of the time, we are My Chocolate are sticklers for organising ahead.

Building a Good Team

Think of a World Without Any Chocolate… Imagine a world with apples but no oranges. Socks but no tights. Bowler hats but no berets. Or, most scarily, chocolate chip cookies…and no vanilla cream truffles. This, ladies and gentlemen, would be a world lacking in diversity. Boo. And diversity is the name of the game when […]

Fun Teambuilding Activities: Our Top Tips

Fun. It’s a curious word, isn’t it? And one that means very different things to different people. Let’s take bungee jumping. Scores of people the world through find leaping off an extremely high place with a rubber ankle tie attached to a post…well, fun. Now, we at My Chocolate are an open-minded lot and of […]